
For Caregivers and Spouses

Did you know we come to the comfort of your own home. We bring all the equipment, you just bring yourself. We begin by performing any initial assessment to determine the problem areas, and what we can do to help. You provide us the information, we take care of the rest. SIMPLE AS THAT!

A consultation on the “how to” make life easier for yourself and someone you know with Parkinson’s Disease or a movement disorder.

If you are a caregiver helping someone with a chronic condition, I know it can be difficult. It can feel alone, challenging, and you may just be ready to throw in the towel.

Do you help one with Parkinson’s or a chronic condition get out of bed in the morning, maybe help them in the shower and get dressed, then find out you still need to cook breakfast, clean the house, and take care of yourself? By the time you are done with everything it is noon and you haven’t even gotten dressed yourself?

Maybe the one you are caring for has a very hard time getting up from his or her favorite chair. Did you know there are cushions to help improve that? Risers that can go under the chair? And even techniques to improve the ability to use the muscles required to stand.

A One Time Fee

Get the information you need, implement, and be on your way

It’s not always what you say, but how you say it.

When mobility is a challenge, certain verbiage can really change the outcomes with someone with a movement disorder. One word may trigger a positive response, while the next, no response

Take it from someone with years of experience on what “lingo” has consistently worked and what hasn’t

We don’t know what we don’t know. Sometimes there are things we can do to make life easier but we just don’t know it.

What if I told you there are ways to get out of the bed easier? Navigate throughout the kitchen? Get in and out of the car?

I’m here to help make your life easier too. After one hour, you will have clear instructions, strategies, to improve your life as well as one with a chronic condition.
I will help train you in how to care for yourself, but also how to care for the person you know with Parkinson’s Disease, and help them be more independent so you can get your freedom back

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